12/20/21: What's new in CommunityCore & InspectorConnect?
  • 20 Dec 2021
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12/20/21: What's new in CommunityCore & InspectorConnect?

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Article summary

Every two weeks, we release improvements to our systems and highlight what is new for you. The latest changes were deployed over the weekend. You don't need to do anything to see these updates in CommunityCore. To take advantage of the new feature in InspectorConnect 3.0, please make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.

TL;DR (“Too Long; Didn’t Read”)

With these CommunityCore updates, now you can:

  • (Just in time for the holidays!) Block off calendar dates when your jurisdiction is closed or not performing inspections
  • View the entire history across a case on the new History tab
  • Customize the grid on the Contractor and Business screens and add even add new columns

And in InspectorConnect, now you can:

  • (For building inspectors) See more information about a permit (including related codes) on the permit details screen
  • (For code enforcement) Search for the address via Google Maps when creating a new code case


Block inspection dates

Just in time for the holidays, now you are in control of the dates that your contractors or members of your community can request inspections. We have several default holidays already blocked off in CommunityCore, but now you can edit those dates, delete them, or add additional dates when your office is closed and inspections won't be performed.
Inspections, actions, block inspection dates

Read more about blocking inspection dates in our how-to guide

View and download case history for code enforcement

Now you can view (and download) a case history for code enforcement. This does not replace the violation history, rather, it gives you an easier way to see the history across the entire case.
Sprint 25, Cases, history.png

View our how-to guide for more information.

Customize Contractor and Business screens

Now, you can customize the Contractor and Business screens and:

  • Resize columns
  • Reorder columns
  • Add columns (check out additional column options, like Trades for example!)
  • Remove columns

Sprint 25, contrators grid customization.gif

InspectorConnect 3.0

📲 Is your app updated?

Please make sure you have the latest version of InspectorConnect 3.0 to take advantage of these new features. Thanks!

View more details about a permit

Now, in InspectorConnect, from an inspection, you can view additional information about the permit including permit fields, application dates, building codes (if configured) and more.
Sprint 25, IC, more info on general info screen, building inspections.gif

Use Google Maps when creating new case

In this update, we added the ability to search Google Maps for an address when creating a new case. You can still add the address manually, search properties, or through a GIS search (if this is enabled for your jurisdiction).

Address search when creating a new case in IC3, sprint 25.png

The CommunityCore development team releases enhancements to the web app every two weeks. If you have a request for an improvement or have identified an issue in CommunityCore, contact our Support team at support@communitycore.com.

View past updates

12/6/21: What's new in CommunityCore?