12/19/22: What's new in CommunityCore and InspectorConnect??
  • 19 Dec 2022
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12/19/22: What's new in CommunityCore and InspectorConnect??

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Article Summary

Every two weeks, we release improvements to our systems and highlight what is new for you. The latest changes were deployed over the weekend. You don't need to do anything to see these updates in CommunityCore. To take advantage of the new feature in InspectorConnect 3.0, please make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.

TL;DR (“Too Long; Didn’t Read”)

With these updates, now you can:
In Fees

  • When assessing a fee (in permits, projects, contractors, or projects), you can add a note that will be included on the invoice.

In Cases (Code Enforcement)

In InspectorConnect



Assessed Fee Notes on Invoice

This option is available when assessing permit, project, business license, contractor license, and misc fees in CommunityCore.

Now, when you add a note while assessing a fee, you can choose to have it added to the invoice.

Sprint 25, include assessed fee notes on Invoices.png


Contacts for Cases

Now you can add contacts to a complaint or case in CommunityCore. At this time, contacts will only be available in CommunityCore. It is not available in InspectorConnect.
Sprint 25, add contacts to a case.png

Additional customization in Code Enforcement letters

Now, code enforcement officers have more options to customize case letters that are generated out of CommunityCore. Choose to include (or not include) your phone number and email address and edit the additional information section of the letter above the signature.

To request customization of the code enforcement letters in your jurisdiction, please fill out this form.

Sprint 25, additional information on code letters.png

  • When your jurisdiction chooses to add a custom message on a code enforcement letter, the message will be added to all letters, for all code enforcement officers.
  • When your jurisdiction chooses to add the phone/email address of the code enforcement officer, this information will be automatically added for all CE officers.
  • Code Enforcement Officers: To update your phone number and email that will appear on the letters, please view this how-to guide.

Friendly Reminder letters

If you want to set a different tone with your first letter, you can now choose to send a “Friendly Reminder” letter instead of a violation letter.

Friendly letters can also be generated from InspectorConnect.

Sprint 25, new code letter friendly reminder.png

How to generate a Friendly Reminder letter in CommunityCore

Sprint 25, steps to generate a reminder letter in a case.png

How to generate a Friendly Reminder letter in InspectorConnect
Sprint 25, friendly reminder letter in inspectorconnect.png

InspectorConnect 3.0

📲 Is your app updated?

Please make sure you have the latest version of InspectorConnect 3.0 to take advantage of these new features. Thanks!

Prompt to update lat/long

In InspectorConnect, when we think it might be helpful for you to update the latitude and longitude for the stop you are on, the app will prompt you with a simple message like this:
Sprint 25, update permit location.png

Updating the latitude and longitude from an inspection stop ensures that the correct job site address/location is in the system and available on future inspection stops.

The CommunityCore development team releases enhancements to the web app every two weeks. If you have a request for an improvement or have identified an issue in CommunityCore, contact our Support team at support@communitycore.com.

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