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1/31/22: What's new in CommunityCore and InspectorConnect?
Every two weeks, we release improvements to our systems and highlight what is new for you. The latest changes were deployed over the weekend. You don't need to do anything to see these updates in CommunityCore. To take advantage of the new feature in InspectorConnect 3.0, please make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.
TL;DR (“Too Long; Didn’t Read”)
With these updates, now you can:
- Edit an item in the violation history if you are a code enforcement officer or tech
- Designate default inspectors to be assigned to specific inspection types
And in InspectorConnect, now you can:
Edit code enforcement violation
Now, code enforcement officers can edit an item in the violation history to make changes to notes and the next inspection date, to name a few.
View our how-to guide: Edit violation history
Default inspectors
With this update, you have the option to designate default inspectors for specific permit types. If you would like to set up default inspectors for your jurisdiction, please fill out this quick form.
When a default inspector is set, each time that inspection is scheduled, the default inspector will automatically be assigned the inspection.
InspectorConnect 3.0
Please make sure you have the latest version of InspectorConnect 3.0 to take advantage of these new features. Thanks!
Upload files
For building inspections only
Now, in addition to images, in InspectorConnect, you can upload additional files/documents to include with your inspection results.
The CommunityCore development team releases enhancements to the web app every two weeks. If you have a request for an improvement or have identified an issue in CommunityCore, contact our Support team at support@communitycore.com.