Weintraub: View and Download Inspection Checklist Results or Custom Inspection Reports
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Weintraub: View and Download Inspection Checklist Results or Custom Inspection Reports

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Article summary

❕ For Weintraub Staff

This article outlines processes that are only relevant to Weintraub staff.

View the Inspection History

  • In the permit, click Inspections
  • Click the History button
    Permits, Inspections, History Button

  • Click the list icon in the Inspection Name column to view the checklist results
    Inspection History, Checklist Icon.png

  • Click the download icon to download the Checklist Results
    Inspections, Checklist Results, Download Icon.png

Email Results with Checklist

From the Inspection History Screen, click:

  • (a) The email icon next to the inspection
  • (b) Or, to email the results for all inspections in the permit, click Email Results
    Inspection History, Email Single Result or Email All Results.png

Download Custom Inspection Reports

From the Inspection History, click the PDF icon next to the resulted custom inspection to download the report:
Weintraub Inspections, Download Custom Inspection Report.png

Learn More About Inspection History