Tracking Your Time in InspectorConnect
  • 18 Jul 2024
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Tracking Your Time in InspectorConnect

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Article summary

📢 Please note

This feature is available to SAFEbuilt building inspectors only but has not yet been enabled for all SAFEbuilt building inspectors.

How to track your time

After you open a task in InspectorConnect, touch Start to begin tracking your time:

IC - Select Start to begin tracking time.PNG

You have the option to start time tracking...

A. Right now: At this specific time
B. Pick Time: If you forgot to start tracking your time, you can choose an earlier time from when to start tracking
IC - Start Time options.PNG

Pause time tracking

After you have started tracking your time in InspectorConnect, you have the option to Pause tracking:
IC - Pause Time Tracking.PNG

Select if you would like to pause time tracking...

A. Select the amount of time you have spent on the task up to this point
B. Manually enter the time you have spent on the task up to this point

IC - Pause Time Tracking Options.PNG

If you Enter Time:
IC - Pause, enter time spent.png

Resume time tracking

On the Scheduled Task screen, you can see any task that has been paused:
IC - Scheduled task screen, task paused at.PNG

Open the task to resume time tracking and then select Resume:
IC - Resume Time Tracking.PNG

Select when you would like to resume your time tracking for this task...

A. Select this option if you want to pick up your time tracking at the time of your last stop
B. Select this option if you would like to resume tracking your time right now
C. Select this option to manually select the time when you want to resume time tracking

IC - Resume Time Tracking Options.PNG

How to finish tracking your time on a task

After you have resulted all inspections on a stop, and select Submit Results, you will have the option to:

A: Select the total minutes spent (that were tracked)
B: Update the amount of time spent on this task by selecting Enter Time
IC - Select Submit Results and choose time tracking options.PNG

View time tracking status on scheduled tasks screen

From the Scheduled Tasks screen, you can see the time tracking status of a task(s):

IC - Scheduled task screen, task paused at.PNG

IC - Scheduled task screen, started at.PNG