Review Business License Application Submitted Online
  • 08 Feb 2024
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Review Business License Application Submitted Online

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Article summary

New Business License Applications or Renewals can be found in the Licensing Inbox:
Businesses, Licensing Inbox, Pending Acceptance.png

Review New Applications

  • In the left navigation click Businesses
  • Select the Licensing Inbox tab
  • Click the business name of the license application or renewal you would like to review
    Business Licensing Inbox, Click Business Name to Review.png

Review Options

Business License, Reviewing External Application.png

  • a. License Year: You can update the license year when reviewing the application
  • b. Actions: At any time while reviewing the application, you can choose to:
    • Accept the Application
    • Deny the Application
    • Return the application to the applicant if it Needs Info
  • c. General: Review and/or update information on the General tab
  • d. Fields: Review/update or add fields to the application with more information
  • e. Documents: Review/upload documents to the application

Email Notifications

Business license applicants will automatically receive email notifications:

  • If and when license application is accepted
  • If license application has been denied (with the reason for denial in the email)
  • If license application requires more information

After Accepting Application, What's Next?

  • After accepting the business license application, you will move through the workflow steps and issue the license.
    Business License Workflow.png

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