Assigning a Planning Workflow Step
  • 13 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Assigning a Planning Workflow Step

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Article summary

How to Assign a Single Step

  • From any planning application, click Workflow to get started
  • Then, click "Unassigned" or the name of the assigned user to reassign, assign, or unassign the workflow step
    Planning, Workflow, Click Assigned to, Assign Step.png

How to Bulk Assign Workflow Steps

  • In the Workflow, click the Actions button
  • Click Bulk Assign Steps
    Planning, Bulk Assign Workflow Steps.gif

Where to Find Steps Assigned to Me?

From the Dashboard

  • Click the CommunityCore log to jump back to the Dashboard
    Click Logo to jump to Dashboard.png

  • Click on My Planning Work
    Dashboard, My Planning Work.png

From the Planning Grid

Planning, Planning Grid, Planning Work Tab.png

My Planning Work