8/2/21: What's new in CommunityCore and InspectorConnect 3.0?
  • 02 Nov 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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8/2/21: What's new in CommunityCore and InspectorConnect 3.0?

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Article summary

Every two weeks, we release improvements to our systems and highlight what is new for you. The latest changes were deployed over the weekend. You don't need to do anything to see these updates in CommunityCore. To take advantage of the new feature in InspectorConnect 3.0, please make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.

TL;DR (“Too Long; Didn’t Read”)
With these updates in CommunityCore, now you can:

  • View scheduled inspections on a map
  • Use the new Permit Type column on the plan review screen
  • View more details about emails sent from CommunityCore in permit history and submittal history

And in InspectorConnet 3.0:

  • Code enforcement officers can access code violation documents so they can be printed and posted while on-site
  • Building inspections now have access to and can schedule inspections on master and sub permits


View scheduled inspections on a map (!)

Now, on the main inspections screen, you can:

  • View a single inspection location on the map and adjust the longitude and latitude
  • View scheduled inspections on the map by jurisdiction
  • View scheduled inspections on the map by inspector
    CommunityCore, Inspections, Maps.gif
🗺 Not seeing all scheduled inspections on the map?

Inspections with invalid addresses will not be shown on the map. But! You can view those permits with invalid latitude and longitude and adjust the map pin manually. After you update the longitude and latitude, then you will see those inspections on the map of scheduled inspections.

Watch for more updates and features coming to the inspection maps!

New permit type column

Plan review, new permit type column.png

We added a new Permit Type column to the plan review screen. On larger monitors (and depending on your screen resolution), this column will automatically be visible. If you are unable to see this new column, you can zoom out in Chrome like this:
Zoom in or out of Chrome.png

Email details in history

In the permit history and project and permit submittal history, now you can see the entire email message that was sent with plan comment or plan approval letters, invoices, and receipts

Documents emailedEmail details in history
Plan comment letter
  • Project submittal history
  • Permit submittal history
  • Permit history
Plan approval letter
  • Project submittal history
  • Permit submittal history
Permit invoice
  • Permit history
Permit fee receipt
  • Permit history

Permit history, email details.png

Submittal history, email details.png

InspectorConnect 3.0

📲 Is your app updated?

Please make sure you have the latest version of InspectorConnect 3.0 to take advantage of these new features. Thanks!

Download code violation notifications

Now, you can download code violation documents in InspectorConnect 3.0. Some jurisdictions are going to use this feature to print these documents while on-site and then post them to save time and additional steps to do in the office later.
Quick steps to print a notice of code violation in IC3.png

View our how-to guide on how to access these documents in InspectorConnect 3.0

View and schedule inspections on master and sub permits

Sprint 15, master and sub permits in IC3.png

The CommunityCore development team releases enhancements to the web app every two weeks. If you have a request for an improvement or have identified an issue in CommunityCore, contact our Support team at support@communitycore.com.

View past updates