4/24/23: What's new in CommunityCore & CommunityConnect
  • 24 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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4/24/23: What's new in CommunityCore & CommunityConnect

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Article summary

Every two weeks, we release improvements to our systems and highlight what is new for you. The latest changes were deployed over the weekend. You don't need to do anything to see these updates in CommunityCore or CommunityConnect.

TL;DR (“Too Long; Didn’t Read”)

With these updates, now you can:


For CommunityConnect



Send notification on expired/expiring permits

Now, with the click of a button and a few fields filled out, you can quickly send a notification to the permit applicant, the primary contact for the primary contracting company, and homeowner regarding an expired or expiring permit.

Easy Click: Expiration Notifications
To send these notifications, from either the Expired or Expiring permit tabs click Expiration Notifications.
Sprint 8, expiring permit notifications.png

Customize the email
The expiration notification, by default, will look similar to this. However, this notification can be customized for your jurisdiction! Please fill out this quick form to update the messaging in the notification.
Sample email, expired permit.png

Read more about sending expiring/expired permit notifications


Contractor Self-Registration (non-validation)

New optional feature!

We have heard your requests to allow contractors to self-register online. We are rolling out this feature in phases. The first phase, rolled out now, is non-validation, which means that you do not have to approve the contractor's registration before they are able to access the CommunityConnect and apply for a permit online.

CommunityConnect, self-registration step 1.png

What it means for you

  • Contractor's can self-register for a CommunityConnect account and create their contractor profile in your jurisidction.
  • Contractor's that self-register their company will automatically have access to apply for permits online in your jurisdiction.
  • In this phase, you will not be notified when a new contractor registers.

✨Want to enable this feature for your contractors?

Fill out this quick form to enable contractor self-registration in your jurisdiction. After we enable this feature, we will send you a link that contractors and community members in your jurisdiction can use to register.

Read more: Contractor self-registration (optional feature)

Change CommunityMember to Contractor

You can easily now change a Community Member to a Contractor user.

Easy switch: Change to Contractor user
Sprint 8, change a community member to a contractor user.png

If the community member user is in multiple jurisidctions, you will receive an error message and will not be able to change the user with this process. In these scenarios, please reach out to Support.

Read more about this feature.

The CommunityCore development team releases enhancements to the web app every two weeks. If you have a request for an improvement or have identified an issue in CommunityCore, contact our Support team at support@communitycore.com.

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