Weintraub: Notifications for CommunityConnect Users
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Weintraub: Notifications for CommunityConnect Users

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Article summary

❕ For Weintraub Staff

This article outlines processes that are only relevant to Weintraub staff.

Default Notifications for CommunityConnect Users

Users (in CommunityConnect) will be automatically notified (via SMS and Email) when:

  • An inspection has been reassigned to another inspector
  • An inspection is cancelled
  • An inspection is rescheduled
  • An inspection is resulted
  • An inspection request is confirmed
  • An inspection request is denied

Managing Notifications in CommunityConnect

Private Provider Users and Contractors (in CommunityConnect) can update their Email Subscriptions in CommunityConnect by going into their profile.

📄 Here is a how-to guide for CommunityConnect users on managing email subscriptions.

Default Private Provider Notifications.png

Managing Notifications for Users in CommunityCore

You can update email subscriptions for CommunityConnect Users by updating their Profiles in CommunityCore.

  • In the left navigation, click Users
  • Filter the email or name columns for the user
  • Click their email address to open their profile
    Weintraub, Users, Open User's Profile, Click Email Address.png

  • Click Notifications
  • Update notification preferences
    CommunityCore, Weintraub, User Profile, Notifications Tab.png