Void a Planning Application
  • 06 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Void a Planning Application

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Article summary

To void a planning application, click the status dropdown, then click Void.
Planning, Void a Planning Application.png

Enter the reason for voiding the planning application.
Reason for voiding planning application.png

View void reason

You can see the void reason in these places:

  • In a new column on the inactive tab on the planning grid
    Planning Grid, Void Reason in Inactive Tab.png

  • In the planning application
    Planning Application, Void Reason.png

Reactivate a Voided Planning Application

  • From the Inactive tab, click the planning number to open the voided planning application.
    Planning, Inactive, Planning Example 2.png

  • Click the Voided dropdown button, then select Reactivate
    Planning, Voided, Reactivate.png

  • Enter the reason for reactivating the permit
  • Enter the new expiration date
  • Click Reactivate
    Planning, Voided, Reactivate Reason.png

Logged in Planning History

  • When a planning application is voided or reactivated, that action is logged in the planning history.