View inspections in multiple offices
  • 18 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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View inspections in multiple offices

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Article summary

With multiple office mode on the inspections screen, users that have access to multiple offices in CommunityCore can now view all inspections for their selected offices on one page.


In the left navigation, select Inspections

Click the Multiple office mode switch to enable this option and see inspections across multiple offices.
Inspections, multiple office mode switched off.png

Inspections, select at least two offices for multiple office mode.png

Turn off multiple office mode or switch offices

You can disable multiple office mode on the Inspections screen like this:
Inspections, multiple office mode options.gif

Don't see multiple-office mode for Inspections?

Users that have access to at least two offices in CommunityCore will have access to this feature.