Primary or Sub Planning Applications
  • 16 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Primary or Sub Planning Applications

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Article summary

Using Primary and Sub Applications, you can easily link related planning applications together.

Designate an Application as a Primary or Sub Application

  • From a planning application, click Details > General
  • Then select either Primary Application or Sub Application
    Planning, Details, General, Primary Application, Sub Application.png

View Primary/Subs on an Application

Planning, Primary and Subs.png

Add a Sub Application to a Primary Application

You can add a sub application to a primary application by:
A. Adding an existing planning application
B. Creating a new sub planning application: The application information, including job site address, will auto-populate on the new sub application.
Planning, Primary and Subs, Add Existing or Create Sub.png

Remove a Sub Application from a Primary Application

Click the trash icon to remove a sub application from a primary application. This does not delete the application. It just unlinks it from the primary application.
Planning, Primary and Subs. Delete.png