My Profile: Manage Email Subscriptions
  • 21 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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My Profile: Manage Email Subscriptions

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Article summary

To manage your email subscriptions in CommunityCore, open your profile.

  1. Click your initials in the top, right corner of the screen

  2. Select Edit My Profile

  3. Select Email Subscriptions

Email Subscriptions

Please note: If you subscribe or unsubscribe from any of these notifications, it will affect your notifications across all jurisdictions you have access to.

Email Subscription


My Work Reminder Notification

A weekly reminder showing you a list of items in your My Work tabs.

Plan Review Assignment Notifications

Receive an email when a plan review is assigned to you.

Plan Review Completed Notification (New!)

Receive an email when a plan review has been completed.

Plan Review Unassignment Notification

Receive an email when a plan review that was assigned to you, is unassigned.

Submittal Accepted Notification (New!)

Receive an email when a plan review submittal has been created.

Submittal Delivered Notification (New!)

Receive an email when a submittal has been delivered (completed).

Workflow Assignment Notifications

Receive an email anytime a workflow step is assigned to you.

Workflow Status Notifications

Email notifications based on your workflow setup or manually sent by another user to update you on the status of a workflow step.

Email Subscription Details

My Work Reminder Notification

Sample Email, CommunityCore My Work Reminder Email

Plan Review Assignment Notifications

You will receive an email notification when a plan review is assigned to you (you have to be set up as a Plans Examiner in the system to have plans assigned).

Plan Review Unassignment Notification

As a plans examiner, if you have been removed from a plan review assignment, you will receive an email notification:

Workflow Assignment Notifications

By default, when any active workflow step is assigned to you, you will receive an email notification.

Sample email, Workflow Assignment Notification

Workflow Status Notifications

Sprint 17, permit status updates, manage my email notifications

CommunityConnect Users

CommunityConnect users can also manage their email subscriptions. Here is a guide for CommunityConnect users.