Place or Lift a Stop Work Order
  • 03 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Place or Lift a Stop Work Order

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Article summary

Stop Work Orders prevent inspections from being scheduled on any permits on the property.

Place a Stop Work Order

From a Permit

  • In the Dropdown, click Place Stop Work Order
    Permits, Place Stop Work Order.png

  • This will take you into the Properties where you can click Place Stop Work Order
    Properties, Place Stop Work Order Button.png

  • Update the information about the stop work order
    • (a): Enter the date that the Stop Work Order is started
    • (b): Enter the reason for the stop work order
    • (c): Upload files (optional)

Place Stop Work Order Module.png

From a Property

  • Click Properties, then click on the address you would like to place the stop work order on.
    properties tab

  • In the property, click the Place Stop Work Order Button
    Properties, Place Stop Work Order Button.png

  • Update the information about the stop work order
    • (a): Enter the date that the Stop Work Order is started
    • (b): Enter the reason for the stop work order
    • (c): Upload files (optional)

Place Stop Work Order Module.png

View Details About a Stop Work Order

  • In a permit, click the Stop Work Order button to view the reason for the stop work order.
    Permit, Stop Work Order, Reason.png

  • You can see when the stop work order was added in the permit history:
    Permits, History, Stop Work Order Details.png

  • From the Property record, click Stop Work and view all stop work orders, including any related documents:
    Stop Work Order, Click Property Address.png

    Properties, Stop Work, Download related document.png

Lift a Stop Work Order

  • From the permit, click the property address to open up the property record
    Stop Work Order, Click Property Address.png

  • In the property record, click the Lift Stop Work Order button
    Property, Lift Stop Work Order Button.png