Cases: Fail a Violation
  • 14 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Cases: Fail a Violation

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Article summary

After a code violation is failed, a Notice of Code Violation or Friendly Reminder letter will be generated automatically.

In the violation, click Result > Fail:
Cases, fail a violation.png

Cases, fail a violation modal with numbers.png

Document/Letter Types

Notice of Code Violation: Click to view a sample letter

Notice of code violation letter

Cases, fail a violation modal with numbers.png

Friendly Reminder: Click to view a sample letter

Sprint 25, new code letter friendly reminder

a.Document type
  • Choose between one of the two letter types available. 1) Notice of Violation letter or 2) a Friendly Reminder letter
  • Letters will be automatically generated after the inspection is failed.
b.Next inspection date
  • The next inspection date will auto-populate based on the jurisdiction's settings
  • You can manually change this date
  • The correction will be included in the letter
  • Notes will not be included in the letters
  • Upload optional images that will be included on the last page of the letter
  • Optional notes are to be included below the image. This note will be included on the last page of the letter

Info Added to Code Violation or Friendly Reminder Letters