Customization options for Code Enforcement Letters
  • 19 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Customization options for Code Enforcement Letters

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Article summary

Parts of the code enforcement letters are easily customizable:

For all code enforcement letters generated for your jurisdiction, you can edit the following:

  1. Further actions
  2. Appeals process
  3. Custom Message (the default message is: For additional information, please contact your Code Enforcement Officer between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday.)
  4. You can choose if the code enforcement officers' emails and/or phone numbers are included in the letter

Code enforcement letter customization options.png

Request customization

Use this form to request updates to #3 and #4.

Updating code enforcement officer's phone number

Code enforcement officers can update the email and phone number that may be included in the letter by going to their profile.

Open your profile (or click here):

Edit profile in CommunityCore 2.png

Edit profile phone number.png