Edit violation history
  • 31 Jan 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Edit violation history

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  • PDF

Article summary

Open violation

Select a case and open a violation
Cases, select a violation.png

View history

Click the History button
Cases, violation, history.png

Edit history item

Violation history, edit a violation.png

What can be edited

Any history item that was created in the last 48 hours can be edited by a code enforcement officer or a case tech.

If you need to edit an older history item, please reach out to support.

Complaint Filed

  • Notes
  • Corrections
  • Next inspection date
  • Reported by name, phone number, and email

Failed Inspection

  • Notes
  • Corrections
  • Next inspection date

Passed inspection

  • Notes
  • Closed reason

Re-open violation

  • Notes


  • Notes


  • Notes
  • Next inspection date

All violation edits are tracked in the Case History
Cases, view case history.png