Edit Inspection Name
  • 07 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Edit Inspection Name

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Article summary

About this Feature

  • Now, you can easily edit the Inspection Name, even if the inspection has already been resulted.
  • You can edit the inspection name in a permit or planning application.
  • The inspection step in the workflow must be open to update the inspection name.
    Sprint 7, 24 - Edit Inspection Name.gif

How to Edit the Inspection Name

  • In the Permit or Planning Application, click Inspections
  • Then click the edit icon next ot the inspection you want to rename
    Inspections, Edit Icon Permits and Planning.png

  • Select the new inspection name
    Search for new inspection name.png

  • For inspections already resulted, you will be prompted to enter the reason for updating the inspection name
    Enter reason for changing Inspection Name.png

Logged in the History

  • When you make a change to the inspection name, the update will be logged in the Permit or Planning History.
    History, Edit Inspection Name.png