Customize, Sort, Filter and Export Data from Grids
  • 08 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Customize, Sort, Filter and Export Data from Grids

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Article summary

Customize Grids

Many Grids in CommunityCore can be customized by:

  • Adding or removing columns
  • Resize columns
  • Reorder columns
    Planning, customize columns in a grid

Sort & Filter

  • You can search for the information you need in a grid by sorting and/or filtering any column.
  • For an even more powerful search, try filtering multiple columns
    Planning grid, filter and sort

Export Data from the Grid

Quickly create a custom report by exporting filtered (or unfiltered) data from a grid to a CSV file. Read how here: Export grids to a CSV file
Export filtered permit grid1