Create a project
  • 15 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create a project

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Article summary

Create a Project & Submittal or Project only

Create project and submittal or project only.png

▶ Creating a Project only?

Submittal form

Required fields

Fill out the new project form as completely as possible. All required fields must be filled out before the project can be fully created.
Example of a required field(1)

Look up address

When entering the project address, click Look Up Address for easier ways to add an address.
Look up an address and search for a property.png

Create submittal

Create the submittal and plan review in a project.png

  1. Fill out all submittal fields, then select the Discipline(s) for the plan review (you can edit these disciplines later)
  2. You can assign the plans examiner now or later
  3. If you would like to add additional disciplines to be assigned to a different plans examiner, click the Add Plan Review button
  4. Upload plan review files (you can also do this later)