Review Registration & Licensing Inbox
  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Review Registration & Licensing Inbox

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Article summary

🤚 This is an optional feature that can be enabled for your jurisdiction

To enable this feature, please review and then submit the applicable forms found here.

How-to Guide for Contractors

If your contractors need a little help with the process of self-registering for an account, you can share this simple how-to guide with them.

  1. View Registration & Licensing Inbox
  2. Review submitted requirements
  3. (optional) Assess contractor licensing fees and associate them with a license
  4. Approve, return registration for more information, or deny registration

Registration & Licensing Inbox

Dashboard, Registration and Licensing Inbox.png

Contractors, Registration and Licensing Inbox.png


Review ContractorRegistration

Contractor requirements review steps.png

When reviewing the requirements you will:

  1. Review information submitted for each requirement and update the status
  2. (optional) Add additional requirements
  3. (optional) Add additional licenses
  4. (optional) Edit or delete requirement details
  5. Then, accept, deny, or return the application to the contractor as "needs more info"

1. Review Submitted Requirements & Update Status

Any required documents that are submitted by the contractor, will be added to the Supporting Documents screen.

For each requirement, after reviewing the submitted files or information, select Needs Info or Approved.

Contractor registration, review each requirement.png

Supporting Documents

Any required documents that are submitted by the contractor, will be added to the Supporting Documents screen.

2. Add Additional Requirements (optional)

After a contractor has registered, while reviewing their registration, you can choose to add additional requirements.
Contractor self-registration - add requirement.png

  • When adding a requirement, if you have all of the information, you can update it on your own and mark it as Approved.
    Sprint 11, Add a requirement to the contractors self-registration.gif

  • Or, return it to the contractor with the status of Needs Info.
    Sprint 11, add a requirement to the contrator's self-registration and change status to needs info.gif

3. Add Additional Licenses (optional)

The Add License button will only be visible if you have contractor licensing enabled in your jurisdiction.

  • When reviewing the registration, you have the option to add licenses to the registration.
  • After adding an additional license, the requriements for that license will be added to the Requirements page automatically.
  • Then you can return the application to the contractor to fill out the additional requirements.

Add license button, contractor-self-registration review.png

Add license modal.png

4. Edit or Delete Requirements

During your review, you can edit or delete any of the requirements that were submitted by the contractor.

  • Edit requirements
    Edit requirements.png

  • Delete requirements that don't apply
    delete requirement.png

5. Actions: Accept, Deny, Needs Info

After reviewing the contractor registration, you can choose one of three options:

Approve Registration

Deny Registration

  • When you deny a registration, the contractor will be sent an automatic email notification
    Contractor registration denied, email to contractor1

Needs Information

What the Contractor Will See

*Click the image for a larger view*

Contractor, needs info on contractor registration.png

  • To return the registration to a contractor as "Needs Information", at least one of the requirements needs to be marked with a status of Needs Info.
  • An email will automatically be sent to the contractor with the additional information that you require. The email to the contractor will be similar to this:
    Contractor Registration Email - Needs Info.png
  • Contractor resubmits registration:

View Registrations Needing More Info

  • You can view contractor registrations and renewals that you are waiting on information from:
    Registration and Licensing Inbox, needs more info.png