Allow Contractor or Community Member to Pay Permit Fees Online
  • 27 Jun 2024
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Allow Contractor or Community Member to Pay Permit Fees Online

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Article summary

💳 Online Payments

If your jurisdiction is set up to accept payments online in CommunityConnect, once a community member or contractor is given access to their permit or planning application, they will be able to make a payment by logging into CommunityConnect.

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Check out our handy checklist to quickly review the steps required to give a contractor or community member access to make a permit or planning payment online.

Community Members

#1: Add a Community Member User to the System

A Community Member can be added to the system in two ways:

  1. Community Members can self-enroll with the link provided to your jurisdiction by CommunityCore. If you do not have that link for your jurisdiction, click here to reach out to Support.

  2. You can manually add a Community Member to your jurisdiction like this:

    1. Click Users in the left navigation
    2. Click Create User
    3. Select Community Member
      Users, Create User, Community Member.png

#2: Give a Community Member Access to Their Permit

A community member, logged into CommunityConnect, will be able to see permits or planning applications and make payments online when their email is added as either:

  • The applicant, or
  • The property owner
    Details, Address, Add Community Member Email address to two fields.png


#1: Add a Contracting Company to CommunityCore

A contracting company can be added to the system in two ways:

  1. If your jurisdiction has been set up for contractor self-registration, contractors can self-enroll with the link provided to your jurisdiction by CommunityCore. If you do not have the registration link for your jurisdiction, please click here to reach out to Support!

  2. You can manually add a contracting company to CommunityCore like this: Add a Contracting Company to CommunityCore
    Contractors, create button

#2: Add Authorized Online Users

#3: Add a Contractor to a Permit or Planning Application

After a contracting company has been added to a permit or planning application, any of that company's authorized online users will be able to pay permit/planning fees in CommunityConnect.
View this guide to learn how to add contractors to a Permit or Planning Application

Making Payments in CommunityConnect

Here is a guide on how to make payments in CommunityConnect that you can share with contractors or community members: How to Pay Fees in CommunityConnect