All about properties
  • 25 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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All about properties

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Article summary

The Properties area in CommunityCore gives you access to all properties in a Jurisdiction associated with a permit or a case.
properties tab.png

Quick Tips:

Search for Properties by Address, Property Owner and More

  • You can filter and sort any column in the Properties grid to quickly find a property.
    sort or filter properties grid.png

Use the Quick Search

  • Start typing three characters of the address to search
    Properties, Quick Search.gif

Add or Remove Columns

Properties, Add or Remove Columns.png

Add a property

add a property.png

Add property notes or upload documents

  • You can add or view a note or upload or view documents within a property
    documents and notes in a property.png

Export property data

  • If you click Export, an Excel document will be downloaded with all of the property data
    Properties, Export button.png

Track stop work orders

  • You can easily place a stop work order on the Property (or lift a stop work order if one has been placed)
    place a stop work order in a property.png