Add or Remove Fields
  • 21 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Add or Remove Fields

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Article summary

Follow these steps to add or remove fields from a permit, planning application or business license.

Add Fields

  1. In the permit, planning application, or business license click Details
  2. Click the Fields tab
  3. Click the Add Fields button
    Permits, Details, Fields, Add Fields.png

4. Search for the field(s) you would like to add
Add Fields, Search.gif

Remove Fields

  1. In the permit, planning application, or business license click Details
  2. Click Fields
  3. Click the Add Fields dropdown, then select Remove Fields
    Permits, Details, Fields, Remove Fields.png

Logged in the History

  • When you add, remove, or update fields, these actions are logged in the History.