Delete, Reorder or Reopen Workflow Steps
  • 26 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Delete, Reorder or Reopen Workflow Steps

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Article summary

Every permit has a workflow that can be managed individually. To view the workflow for a permit, open a permit and click Workflow.
Permit, workflow.png

Delete a Workflow Step

Click the icon next to the step that you would like to delete
Permits, workflow, delete workflow step.png

If a step is already in progress, confirm the deletion by entering the name of the plan review step
Confirm deletion of workflow step

Reopen a Workflow Step

If a step has been accidentally closed, you can easily reopen a workflow step.

FYI: To have the ability to reopen a workflow step, you must be granted permission in the system. If you require this functionality, please reach out to

Click the icon next to the workflow step you would like to reopen
Permits, workflow, reopen workflow step2.png

Order Steps

Click the Order Steps button
Permit, workflow, actions, order steps.png

Reorder workflow steps