Add an Image to a Violation
  • 13 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark
  • PDF

Add an Image to a Violation

  • Dark
  • PDF

Article summary

Add a picture

1. Open the Case

Select case from scheduled task screen IC3.png

2. Select the Complaint to Update

Select the complaint to update IC3.png

3. Touch Update Violation

Select update violation button IC3.png

4. Select Enter Violation Update

Enter violation update IC3.png

5. Add Images

Add images to a violation IC3.png

Edit Picture Details

  • Touch image to select it
    Touch image to select it IC3.png

  • Update image name
  • Add image notes
    Edit image in a violation IC3.png

Remove Picture(s)

Remove image from a violation IC3.png